W E D N E S D A Y, 8 F E B
Saw Anya and Tig walking to school and charged over to them - Anya DIDN'T see the interview and was furious, but Tig did and thought he was terribly nice. She told me he was the most screamed-at one at the airport.
Terribly excited about seeing Lord of the Flies.
We went in the coach to Croydon but it was so feeble - we had to wear our hats from the door of the coach to the cinema!!! It's a cranky cinema, cheaply done. Us four sat in the middle. Great disappointment: the film [made in 1963] was in black and white. It's the first black and white film I've seen since Hard Day's Night. Anyway, the whole island was just like I'd imagined it, which was good, but Ralph didn't have fair hair, Jack was far too tall, and Samneric were far too young.
“I don’t know why it was an ‘X’ - it wasn’t exactly scary”
But when they dropped the rock on Piggy it was rather ghastly. At the end, when Ralph was saved, he began to cry with happiness - and that was very moving.
Back at school we discussed the film with Mrs H and the more we talked, the more faults we found - I could probably list a hundred! Still, I did really enjoy it.
Got home to excitement: we’ve bought The Grange next door!!! Daddy’s wasn’t the highest offer (£27,000) but they liked his scheme for developing the land the best. It really is marvellous. We'll sell off the old house, keep the garden, and have a swimming-pool and a tennis-court!!!