T H U R S D A Y, 9 F E B
Sally and me were going into school when Miss Morse got out of her car. Of course, I didn’t offer to carry anything for her, I was only going to the Junior Cloakroom anyway. But we’d just passed her when she said, “Here, please take these up for me” (in an unpleasant voice) and gave me a packet of Surf and Sally a full plastic bag. And then she said, with heavy sarcasm, “Thank you for offering.” I have never come across such childish behaviour from an adult. EVER.
In the evening Mummy turned up my bloomy-style Neatawear dress from 3” to 6” above the centre of the knee. She thinks it’s too short. It isn’t. I then put on my summer school dress and it’s 2” above the knee and looks terrible. I simply cannot believe that when Ma made it nine months ago I felt daring wearing it.
In bed I looked at last year's diary, reminiscing about Mr Finkelstein. How fab it was. Even the time he told Anya off for staring into the Staff Room. It's an awful shame we only have two photos but at least we've saved all the memories…
“including his wardrobe!”
: six ties, seven suits or jackets, ten shirts and three pairs of shoes, including the orangey-brown ones with elastic.