T U E S D A Y, 7 F E B
Google Eye read to us (in R.I.) about this man who went to a monastery to get peace and quiet. And it's terribly different to what I'd imagined. The main thing is, there's this 1600s atmosphere about the place and everyone is at peace with the world.
Had pancakes for supper and I was the only one who flipped one!
Saw FAB TV. 'Not Only But Also' has come back, and it was HILARIOUS. I don't know who I like the best, Pete or Dud. They're too marvellous for words. John Lennon was in one sketch!
Then '24 Hours' came on - and what should there be but an interview with MICKY DOLENZ!! Chump and me were so thrilled we couldn't stop shrieking. He sat on a stool wearing bellbottom trousers and looked fab. And he's so nice, he never stopped talking, Cliff Mitchelmore couldn't get a word in edgeways. Cliff M threw a stool at him and he picked it up, held it in front of him and made it into a car, sound effects included. He was so sweet, and before he became an actor he was going to be an architect!!!
He was also saying how he doesn't consider it a problem The Monkees are a manufactured group; I entirely agree. Or that the Beatles are rivals; he's met Paul and thinks he's gorgeous. But what made us so thrilled was, at the end, what should Daddy say but... "nice boy"!
What I'm worried about is, did Anya and Lucy see it? I shall scream if they didn't.
Mickey on trend in 1967