Possibly the least engaging ever of Polnareff's songs
W E D N E S D A Y, 1 9 A P R I L
Dreamt of Dutronc last night. He haunts me.
At break us four went to the Hall. Tig had brought in "Ta Ta Ta Ta' by Polnareff, Anya brought in 'Les Cactus', and I brought in 'La Blanche Caravelle.' To our SURPRISE and JOY the platform was flooded with French records: what is England coming to??!! Anyway, they belonged to these fourth formers including that clever one called Vanessa, she's so nice (she said I was lovely and brown), and another one who is absolutely mad on Jacques Dutronc, she went to Aix at Easter and saw him on TV - he was gorgeous. She really wants to buy 'Les Playboys' and was excited to hear they sell French records in Rumbelows. Then this second former picked up the Polnareff record – “Michel Pol-nar-eff” she read – “who’s he – she?”!!!
“As long as Dutronc’s not one of these passionate types, I’d love him to come over in the summer”
In the evening I thought and thought about Dutronc till I practically cried I miss him so. I'm afraid what attracts me most is the thought of being able to walk around with him. The envious looks I'd get! I mean, just supposing I met someone in my form... "Who was that fab boy I saw you with, Ingrid?" I can just see it... But when I think of him kissing me I don't want him at all. I can't bear boys kissing me, not on my lips. I don't know what's the matter with me but it just makes me so embarrassed.
Bed 11, late again.