T H U R S D A Y, 2 0 A P R I L
English was a marvellous lesson. Mrs Huggett is just so hilarious! Sally H mentioned something about skiing and before she'd even finished her sentence, Mrs Huggett said "skiing - that barbaric sport! You know I'm anti sports of ALL kinds... but skiing!!" Later she asked us for a definition of culture. "What makes a cultured person?" Tig said someone who can hold a reasonably intelligent conversation on almost everything. But Mrs H said, the first thing you need to know about are the Greeks and Romans.
At one o'clock I whizzed to the Hall in order to get the gramophone first to play French records. I did, and everyone gave me and Lucy their requests. Of course, we had to divide it equally between English and French records. Two I adore are the Monkees' latest ‘A Little Bit Me, A Little Bit You', and 'Dedicated to the One I Love' by the Mamas and Papas.
“Ghastly Janet Brown groaned away about the French records and put on a whole lot of gruesome ones by The Move.”
Kept wishing I'd gone dancing with Dutronc. Even if he had kissed me, the dancing would have been so wonderfully fab. I'm sure he liked me, or he wouldn't have asked me to go swimming with him that night, and he wouldn't have talked to me at the Porsche race. He probably thinks I don't like him, so he probably won't come this summer. If he does like me, I should feel flattered. I mean, not everybody is liked by a snazz.