Lucy and me are doing flowers again.
T U E S D A Y, 1 8 A P R I L
Heatwave over. Wore winter uniform. So did Lucy and Tig.
Everybody thought I was terribly brown and three people thought I'd got make-up on - jolly annoying when I haven't!
Swapped my 'Salut les Copains' for Anya's 'Mademoiselle Age Tendre'. Francoise Hardy has cut all her hair off and it looks horrible.
We had Form Period first three periods. Fifi is Form Prefect, Liz Davies Games Captain, and Lucy and me are doing flowers again. Building wise - they're getting on quite well with the Science Block - it really doesn't look too bad as they've got some nice charcoal bricks and one whole wall is glass. I talked quite a bit about Dutronc.
“I suppose it’s just physical attraction that makes me like him, but I mustn’t forget - he was very nice to me on the Porsche day.”
The only thing is, he did get moody when I said (twice) that I couldn't go dancing with him. Well, I don't really blame him. At break I realised that this time two weeks ago I was talking to him for the first time. Why I was such a FOOL not to go dancing with him? I do not know. That's the trouble with being shy. Actually, it's more the thought of things to come that makes me worried until I feel sick.
Went home with Jenny - she's not so jealous of Marianne Faithfull now. She realises it's no good: she'll never go out with Mick Jagger anyway.
Sat in the sitting room with Ma and Pa and they had a VILE discussion on the office ending up in an argument as usual. Pretty miserable evening.
Funny, I was feeling miserable this Tuesday two weeks ago. Really miserable then.