W E D N E S D A Y, 2 2 M A R C H
In the form room we gave out our eggs. I got a milk chocolate one from Tig, tiny ones from Anya, and the most wonderful thing from Lucy which she'd made all herself: a nest of chocolate and marzipan rings with little eggs inside it and a chicken perched on top! So clever.
We had end-of-term Assembly, and Miss Lack, who doesn't often say ridiculous things, said we are not to think of holidays as holidays, we must WORK in them. I cannot agree - even if 'O' Levels are ahead, holidays are a time for resting so that you come back refreshed.
At two we all went home. Lucy came back with us and we changed into jeans. Played the Labyrinth game at tea - she's jolly good although she's never played before, and I've now got to no. 16. (Daddy got to no. 60, and back - he's incredible!). We then went into the ghastly little house next door that used to be Mr Merry's, and the Roasts' house – spooky and empty. Lucy and me would both adore to redecorate them, it would be fab.
“On the old dresser we found a copy of the Daily Mirror.”
We looked through it - I've never been so horrified in all my life. To think a paper like that has enough readers to circulate, let alone enough to be popular. The trash they write: a whole page on a girl of 15 who's leaving school to get married, a whole page on a charity lady who was shocked when she opened the door to a man with no clothes on, a whole page on a girl who's been rejected for some part on TV.
I don’t know - how can grown people read this rubbish?
“The Torrey Canyon disaster”
On 18 March, a Liberian registered oil tanker was wrecked off west Cornwall, near the Isles of Scilly. Some 32m tons of crude oil were spilt causing untold havoc and destruction. ‘Detergents’ used to disperse the oil slicks only contributed to the eco disaster.