Yet one more example of sophisticated French choreography
T U E S D A Y, 2 1 M A R C H
Wonderful weather again, and Easter around the corner - it makes me want to stay at home and not go away skiing.
Had long Assembly because of Head Girls' reports etc etc - pretty deadly. (Jenny won the Second Year Verse Speaking Competition!). At dinner break us four went down to the logs. We were chatting away when suddenly, about five to two, I heard a crackling noise and there, beyond the railway, was a huge band of red flame. So we ran to the end of the field and, although we're not allowed to, went on to the bridge where we got a marvellous view: the whole common was on fire!!! I expect it started with some glass. It's very sad but awfully exciting to see a fire.
At home I had fun wrapping up the Easter eggs in coloured tissue papers for Anya, Lucy and Tig. I always think the wrapping is as important as what's inside.
After supper Ma and Pa had a horrid argument on the accounts and Mummy ended up crying. She's got no faith in herself, she's got too much to do anyway, they ought to get an accountant, but Daddy says no accountant could do it as well as she can. Seems mad to me.
Cheered myself up playing 'Les Marionettes' and 'Je Suis Parti' by Christophe.
When they had chocs inside