Full of photos of two sisters (hence of interest to me) and written by the royal nanny
T H U R S D A Y, 2 3 M A R C H
Had a slight indigestion type tummy ache and in the morning I got so worried - I looked up appendicitis in the Encyclopedia and found one of the symptoms is indigestion. What if I get appendicitis skiing??
Read some of that book we found next door, by Crawfie about her darling princesses. Actually the Queen sounded rather nice. Also looked at 'The Wisdom of the West' by Bertrand Russell, about philosophers and was surprised to find it's not that difficult (!)
I helped Ma with the housework but Chump mostly read her old Diana’s on the floor.
I had this marvellous idea to give the Reids a real nest full of eggs for Easter, so Chump and me went out and hunted for one. We found four (empty of course): we kept one for Ma and Pa's big egg, and one for the Reids. Surprising how happy it makes me just thinking about giving it!
T.O.T.P. was good for once, though Engelbert is STILL no.1, and the Beatles are down to no.3. So that's it for Penny Lane.
I hope I haven't got appendicitis. The trouble is, it's so easy to get: you just have to swallow the bristles of a toothbrush.
Worth £25 on ebay