When hot cross buns were eaten on Good Friday
F R I D A Y, 2 4 M A R C H
I went down to breakfast and there were the most wonderful Easter eggs: a milk chocolate one with a layer of 'Weekend' sweets from Ma, and an elegant Lindt one from Daddy!!! Then I whizzed out to the rock garden and picked lots of tiny blue, yellow and white flowers, which Chump and me rapidly arranged round the egg in the nest. They loved it. Then we had HOT CROSS BUNS, fab. We haven't had Good Friday at home for five years - in Austria every year.
Picked more flowers for the Reids' nest, and put two chickens on top - it looked beautiful. We carefully crept into their house and put it on the telephone table - later I heard them at the end of the garden thanking Ma. After tea Daddy hid 12 eggs in the rockery - haven't done that for ages! Chump just beat me to it.
Finished Silas Marner. It wasn't too bad, but it's a boring old story, and the description is pretty-pretty and old-worldish. And I hate the bits of moralizing.
Skiing: I got all my clothes ready but Mummy wouldn't let me pack them. They only just fitted in the suitcase when she did them.
“I’ve taken so much! Ski things, trouser suit, 4 dresses, 3 skirts, 7 jumpers, bikini, books, gloves, underwear...”
Trouble is, I don't feel a bit like going away. I know I shall be terribly homesick. This sounds as though I don't appreciate going on holiday, well I do, I'm incredibly lucky to be going skiing every year, it's just that Austria is more foreign than France, and it's like going back into winter when England is getting spring-like and beautiful.
Signed travellers' cheques, and put the £15 travel allowance in my wallet.