Mr Reid far left, Mrs Reid far right, and Ingrid sporting white lipstick and hoop earrings
S A T U R D A Y, 1 7 J U N E
The weather wasn't half as good as yesterday, but it was pretty hot from lunch to tea time. The Reids popped over for tea - Mrs Reid says she likes my earrings!
Got up at 9 but somehow didn't start work until 10.30. I made this short summary of what happened the first eight days of knowing Dutronc, and read it to Chump. It took an awful long time for him to speak to me really, but when I think of it, it's surprising he spoke to me at all. We think it's a bit of a coincidence that I met a German boy (Peter-Jan) skiing last year and another (Dutronc) this year, that the first look I got of both of them was on the first day at breakfast, and that the first time I spoke to them was on the ninth day. And I wonder sometimes if it's a sign - that because Peter-Jan came over in the summer, Dutronc will too. If he does, will I like him?
Finished Virgil today, but not till 7.30, so I got no Caesar done. In other words I'll only have time to do the second half of Caesar tomorrow (if that) and will just have to hope they don't ask for anything before Chapter 41. The trouble is, I can't quite realise it's 'O' Levels I'm revising for. It's no good thinking, "oh well, I'll do better in the real exam" anymore. This is the real exam.
After supper I didn't do any revision which I feel pretty awful about, but I watched this marvellous programme instead – ‘Your Witness: God Does Not Exist’. It was a big-scale discussion thing on the existence of God and some very interesting people talked about why they believed or disbelieved. Mr Hogg headed the believers and John Mortimer the non-believers, and we all thought J-M's argument was by far the most convincing.
“The believers have a very easy but unconvincing argument.”
They say you can't prove God is there because he's not like anything else. I see their point - it is a bit difficult for them. All the same, I think it is so unlikely. I really don't think I believe in God, it's a bit of a myth, and basically a childish one. The believers all mentioned that God was the only explanation they had ever found for the creation of the world, but what I can't understand is - why must there be an explanation at all?
"God is a bit of a childish myth".