Mummy working hard in the rockery
F R I D A Y, 1 6 J U N E
Didn't get to sleep till very late last night. I spent ages thinking about Dutronc and all the fab things that could happen (but won't). Did the same in bed this morning, it was gorgeous, but it made me miss him like mad. I was day-dreaming the whole morning and couldn't concentrate on my work.
It was horrible weather at first but about 12 it became absolutely fab and stayed that way. After lunch I put on my bathing-costume and kept it on! Mummy weeded the rockery, and the plumbers came at last; now Chump's and my lav is mended and we don’t have to use Ma and Pa’s.
Finished off England, began on Virgil. Did exactly 200 lines. I've worked out Caesar will take four days and I've got ONE DAY to do it in.
I've got the most ghastly feeling the waist pains are coming back.
“The official start of the Summer of Love”
This Friday 50 years ago, 30,000 fledgling hippies were gathering for the first day of the Monterey Pop Festival, 120 miles south of San Francisco.
Attendance was huge and the line-up historic. Thanks to The Who, The Byrds, Jefferson Airplane, The Grateful Dead, Otis Redding, Janis Joplin and the emerging Jimi Hendrix, Monterey became the template for future music festivals, including Woodstock in '69. Numbers swelled to 60,000 on the final day so Monterey eclipsed the KFRC Fantasy Fair & Magic Mountain Music Festival of the weekend before.
Can the Monterey Pop Revival capture the spirit of '67?
Fast forward to the end for the guitar smashing. Apparently he set fire to his black Fender Stratocaster to get one over on Pete Townshend of The Who, who’d smashed his up earlier in the day.