S U N D A Y, 1 8 J U N E
Absolutely perfect weather all day, as good as Thursday!!!
Had breakfast outside, and read the Sunday supplement on Free Masonry. I find it quite incredible that adult men can belong to such a silly club. The Howells and the Chumleys do – so we think. Did 'Caesar' all day.
The Carruthers and Patrick H came to play tennis with Ma and Pa, and we all had Pimms afterwards. They sympathised like anything with my Caesar and all my other revision. Patrick thinks exams ought to be abolished, all they test is how much revision you’ve done and how well you remember it - it’s SO ridiculous. He’s been to Israel and thought it was wonderful. He knows a girl who worked on a kibbutz and she loved it so much she’s going back again!!
I listened to Radio Caroline for a change (and got no work done). When every song came to an end I expected French to be spoken, I just couldn’t get used to it! Dutronc said he listens to Radio London, but I’ve forgotten the DJ he mentioned, I think it was Ed Stewart.
I’ve made up my mind I’m going to fail Latin. Also I may fail German because I won’t be able to do any revision for it. Oh DEAR.
Ed 'Stewpot' Stewart, Radio London legend, the one in the dark glasses - to the right of the Walker Brothers