Poldo - the "staggering" Polnareff doll
T U E S D A Y, 3 O C T
Anya and me felt miserable all through Prayers (at least Anya did, I just sympathized with her) but while we were outside the Library I thought of the most marvellous idea. We’ll go to The Knightsbridge and ask the lady to call us when Polnareff's next here!!! If we explain about the rag doll and if we pay her for the phone call we’ll have some chance of giving it to him. If we ask her terribly politely I don’t see how she could refuse!
Tig brought the Youth Hostelling form today so I filled it in. It only costs 12/6d for 16-21 year olds to join. Saw my pot: lovely glazed BUT the foulest blue and not turquoise at all. In French Conv. we talked about mods and hippies and I understood every word.
After lunch Anya and me went down to town. It was utterly windy and my hair looked terrible. Went to Rumbelows to ask about Pol’s new record; we ordered two copies. The amusing chap with the glasses was there and said it may be in this Friday.
Ma fetched Chump and me after school and we went to Reigate. I got the fab shoes I wanted from Lilly & Skinners. Then we went into this boutique where there were the most foul mini-mini-skirted girls staring at us. It was so embarrassing. Then had tea and cakes at that nice old tea shop place. Chump has given me her ribby powder-blue jumper which is jolly nice of her; it’s a bit skimpy but I like it and the colour suits me. Wore my hair loose behind my shoulders when we got home. If only it was long enough to stay there.
Ma bought Le Figaro for me (she went to London today).
Daddy thinks my Lilly & Skinners are fab.