W E D N E S D A Y, 4 O C T
Wore brown skirt with the powder-blue jumper - which lots of people told me they liked!
All the different Divs. went to Hall for English where Mrs Huggett gave us this chart on literature in the Middle Ages. It was very interesting but poor Lucy felt dreadful and tried to ring up her mother but couldn’t get through.
Had to write down as many childhood memories as we could in English - Miss Gatley can actually remember lying in her cot when she was about 20 months old. We’ve got to write a short story based on our early memories, like an autobiography. I’m dreading it.
“Dinner time was absolutely hilarious!”
We never stopped giggling from beginning to end. It was us four, plus Pam, Martha and Sandra, and every single thing anyone said put us all into fits; by the end of it Anya and me were crying. The funniest thing of all was when Martha said that when she was a baby her head was covered in black spiky hair and her parents called her 'Lavatory Brush'! Later, as Anya and me were going down the corridor, we passed Cabbage looking a bit cold and uncomfortable. I said, “what’s the matter with her” and she said, “it's a cabbage with frost bite”. We were in fits.
During 5th period our French student helped us with accents for the poem. I’m quite depressed by how good the others are, especially Pat Sanderson, who doesn’t even have to think to get it right. My consonants are too stressed and my ‘o’s and ‘u’s are hopeless. Art Appreciation was nice, we studied four pictures of women, all completely different. But the whole of Music App. was wasted splitting us up into people who can read music and people who can’t!
Had a bath with Chump. She scrubbed me down.
Longing for Stratford.