M O N D A Y, 2 O C T
Anya and me spent the whole day worrying about tonight.
Took our cameras to school and at break took tons of photos of Poldo in various artistic positions.
Philosophy was a bit better than usual. Teddy Bear asked us to describe a human being and someone said, “a human being has two legs, two arms, a nose, some hair…” T.B. said, “So does a bald polar bear." It was quite funny. Half way through, these two third-formers came in to get a book. “Who’s it for?” said T.B. “Mrs Evans.” “Well,” said T.B. in a bored and annoyed voice, “as I happen to like Mrs Evans you may. But Heaven help you if you bother me again on a Monday morning.” He is foul!
Current Events was utterly fab. Honestly, I think it’s worth spending a year in the Sixth Form just to get a lesson with Mrs Evans. We talked about the Welfare State and how shocking the National Health Service is, and how absurd children’s allowances and old age pensions are. Those who don’t need extra money get more than those in terrible poverty, and there isn't enough money simply because we spend it on Defence.
“There are millions of families living in this country below subsistence level. I’d be ashamed if I was Mr Wilson.
Other countries manage, why can't we?
Felt so worried about tonight I missed the 9 past and got the Redhill instead. Still managed to catch the 80A.
While we were having tea the phone rang: it was Anya. Before I picked it up I knew it was bad news. “He’s not here, he's not in England,” she said. So why did John at the Studios tell us October 2nd and 3rd??? All our hopes of giving him the rag doll are gone - I could cry. Anya and me chatted for ages, getting more miserable every second. WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO??? Oh golly, everything’s gone wrong and I knew it would. It’s our fault for not being satisfied with one sighting.
I listened constantly to the radio in the hopes of hearing his new record. I think I heard it on Luxembourg at 6.10. At 6.30 on France Inter I heard it again, the whole of it; it’s called 'Mes Regrets'. But what disturbs me is they keep on associating him with hippies. The end of the record has hippy sounding music in it, and when he was interviewed by Gerard on the 19th, Gerard said he looked hippyish. I do hope he isn’t.
Still, the record is very good. I think I'm going to love it.
I’m so unhappy. SO UNHAPPY.
"All our hopes of giving him Poldo are gone"