A much-loved godmother arrives from France
M O N D A Y, 2 5 S E P T
Felt rather miserable today. Anya brought October’s ‘Mademoiselle Age Tendre’ to school and it’s got an article in it called ‘POURQUOI J’AIME MICHEL POLNAREFF, PAR CATHY REGINE’.
It’s so beastly, I’m so jealous. He must be pretty fond of her because he likes her to go with him on all his tournées. And it's so sickening because she used to be a FAN. I practically cried when I read that. Anya and me will just have to accept that we’re fans, not girlfriends. I’m not too keen on such an inferior position - as Anya says, “being a fan is just part of the mob"! We hardly even feel like giving him the rag doll now – it’s so fan-ish. But I suppose it can be treated as a present in a more sophisticated sort of way. I hope he can think of it like that. He must think of us as two very young fans, he probably thinks we're about 14.
“Of course I’m glad he’s got someone to love, but all I feel is terribly jealous. ”
I couldn’t work properly the whole morning.
Had Art Appreciation and Music Appreciation in the afternoon, both rather good. Discussed a picture by Whistler on the hanging screen, and listened to ‘The Barber of Seville’. We were given these big cards to look at which ‘wrote’ the music out in coloured patterns - very interesting and easy to understand.
At home I read about Polnareff and Cathy for the tenth time. What I don’t get is, why was his “meilleure amie” Zouzou? Or has he met Cathy in the last three months?
Washed hair, had it loose for a bit, it turned out rather good. London grandparents came – told me my coral necklace used to belong to my great-great-great-great-great grandmother! Then Joy came - fab to have her! She's here for 7 days.
She gave me a bottle of champagne to celebrate my results.
The pop magazine for with-it girls - "les filles dans le vent"