Launched in 1964, the upwardly mobile, musky-sweet scent is still going strong. The bottle and name were based on champagne.
S U N D A Y, 2 4 S E P T
I smelt a rather familiar smell as Sydney was dressing so I said, “you’re wearing Brut" - and he was!
Daddy’s rather pleased because Sydney has discovered how to prevent baldness. You just have to get circulation in the scalp going. Men were originally made to go on all fours, so now circulation in the head is very bad. He learnt this from the health club he and Pamela go to once a fortnight.
All went ashore except poor Mummy who'd been coughing all night. Sydney and David delighted with Buckler's Hard. We went into the little shop for papers and milk, and then bought five boxes of chocolates (!). It drizzled all day but Sydney and David didn’t mind a bit. Going back it was quite choppy but we all felt ok. Chatted quite a bit about schools; I never realised Mark and David went to Epsom College. Poor Mark got an ‘F’ for French A-level and that's why he’s re-taking it at Ewell Tech.
“I did all the bread and buttering in the cockpit for lunch. It made me rather seasick. ”
I kept imagining the most fab stories about Mark, like if our families went away for a weekend together, say to Stratford, and Mark and me fell in love – something fab like that. This weekend would have been perfect if he'd come instead of David. I think it's awful the way I get keen on people just for their looks. I don’t mean I go mad on every snazz I happen to meet, but I do have a tendency to choose boys with good looks. I suppose it's natural at my age.
Felt a bit peculiar when we got home, sort of dizzy, not quite with it. Poor Mummy's cold is dreadful, she went to bed straight after supper. I hope I feel better tomorrow.
"We went into the little shop for papers and milk, and then bought five boxes of chocolates"