T U E S D A Y, 2 6 S E P T
Wore my orange dress. It's so much better now I’ve turned it up.
I got a French reader out of the Library, called ‘Le Crime’. We’ve got to read two French books, three German books and goodness knows how many English ones all this term. Had Pottery, put a glaze on my pot (dying for it to be fired) and started on a new one with the coil method. Did Shelley in English - interesting, but the thing is, we’re not doing it for ‘A’ Level and I think we should get on to the ‘A’ Level syllabus.
Us four had lunch outside, the first time since the first day. We were talking about pop-groups and drugs and Tig said she’s sick of the Stones (or words to that effect) and it makes me mad because it’s such a middle-class attitude.
Mark not on the bus - not that I expected him to be.
“The more I think about it the less likely it seems I’ll get to University with such popular subjects as French and English.”
Fortunately it is possible to get degrees at Training Colleges too, like Ewell Tech.
Roly and Erika and Ken Strowlger from the office came for dinner; Joy there too, so eight of us: it was rather fun. We had hot shrimps, chicken casserole, pears in orange cream, and almond cake – delicious. Joy calls Chump “darling” and “love” the whole time, which makes me jealous, but she is her godmother. I went up after dinner because of work and didn’t help Mummy to clear the table. I feel very mean about it, but I find it so difficult to help when Chumpy doesn’t even think about it.
Occasional back-of-waist pains today.
"Joy calls Chump 'darling' and 'love' the whole time, which makes me jealous."