S U N D A Y, 2 6 F E B
Last night Clive Carr-Jones complimented Mummy on her "nubile daughters" which means 'sexually attractive, old enough for marriage' - I looked it up in the dictionary!
Clearing up took all morning and we played Sergeant Pepper's a lot (Ma and Pa adore it too). Moved back furniture, hoovered the floor, and collected lots of wine bottles.
In the afternoon I wrote my Reformation essay on Huguenots and Catholics. Daddy was interested because of our Dutch side; he says the Roman Catholic Church is as ridiculous now as it was then.
Spent the whole day worrying about that awful dramatic dialogue poem I’ve got to write in the style of Robert Frost, but finally I got down to it, and decided on a phone call between a tiresome grandmother and her daughter. In the evening Grandma rang up Mummy and was tiresome, in fact, she made her feel very miserable.
Went to bed nice and early but read Exodus till 12.30 - ridiculous, but I couldn't stop. What I never realised is that there was a treaty after the war giving Isreal to the Jews, but the English didn't dare let them because they were scared of the Arabs, so millions of Jews were made homeless.
It practically makes me ashamed of being British.
The tricky dramatic dialogue demanded by Mrs H