S A T U R D A Y, 2 5 F E B
THE SKI PARTY!!! The whole day was spent in getting ready. Ma was on edge and kept losing her temper and Pa spent the whole day at the office, except for lunch (not very helpful). But it was good fun. Ma, Chump and me had to clear the whole sitting-room including the carpet. We arranged seven tables round the left side, so the right hand side was free for dancing. Each table had a red and white check cloth and a red or white candle in a wine bottle, and some of the seats were logs, which we covered with cushions!!!
About 7.30 Chumpy and me changed into the Austrian costumes, we looked rather good. We put on zither music by Werner Frey, and put a pair of skis outside the front door with a notice ‘SKI RAUM’. Daddy lit it up with a spot light – it looked FAB!
Then everyone arrived, in ski clothes. Us two were kept busy taking their coats, serving the ‘gluvine’ from a huge cauldron (it tasted FAB), passing round nuts, changing the records, and waitressing. The food was veal and rice, delicious, followed by chocolate rum pudding (yum), iced almond cake, fruit salad and the Hungarian chocolate cake Granny disapproves of because it has eight eggs.
““Austin-Smith being an architect is more ravey than most””
Mr Austin-Smith, who was wearing a gorgeous pink shirt, helped me take the gramophone into the dining-room where you could hear it better and we did some nutty dances. He, Chump and me danced vigorously to 'Penny Lane' and 'The Beat Goes On'. I just wish more people had been so energetic!
By 1.15am everyone had gone, except the Austin-Smiths, so Dad, Chump and me went for a torch-walk round the ‘Estate’ while Mummy started the clearing up. Pa gave me a piggy-back because my feet were killing me. Then he slipped, and I hurtled off his back into a flower-bed.
The dining room, before the ravey dancing took place