M O N D A Y, 2 7 F E B
Took some heather in to school and Anya brought some forsythia, so the form room looks a lot better than usual.
Looked at lots of the Robert Frost poems at dinner break. Tig's is especially good, so is Lucy's, and Christa's - so intellectual! I've called mine 'Mother to Daughter' instead of 'The Telephone Call'.
Incredible gale going home, rain too. Chump had her transparent PVC umbrella. It’s lovely being swept along with it in front of you, looking through the plastic windows.
Read 'Nova': good thing on marriage. One article about a London couple (he's a lecturer) who are 'living in sin' because they think marriage is unnecessary and out of date. I don't know what I think. I don't think I disagree.
The rain is pouring down tonight.
In 2006 Kate Muir wrote in The Times: "Nova was a politically radical, beautifully designed, intellectual women's magazine. In 1965 it discussed sex and the Pill, and epitomised the sophistication of London with its bold type and empty white space.”
My mother liked Nova, though she didn't subscribe to it. It ran from 1965 to 1975. The article I best remember was on a dozen ways in which lipstick can be applied, according to the whim of the user. It was a curious subject no one had thought worthy of attention before. I scrutinised for hours the bold, close-up photographs of half-used lipsticks in their various colours and guises.