Ingrid in summer school hat (on a good hair day). I'd forgotten about the socks.
F R I D A Y, 2 1 A P R I L
At 2.20 Miss Lack had the whole Fifth year in the Hall and she told us the most exciting things.
In January there's a school cruise down the west coast of Africa!!! Just imagine being able to say, I'm going to SPEND THE WINTER IN AFRICA!!! The weather will be marvellous and there'll be an excursion into an equatorial forest. It'll cost £63. The second fab thing: from today Fifth Formers don't have to wear summer hats ever again!
We looked at photos of Michel Polnareff on the coach up to the Cercle Dramatique Francais in Kensington to see 'Le Barbier de Seville'. Now Anya says she likes him MORE than Adamo.
In the theatre she wore my Polaroid sunglasses the whole way through. Polnareff wears his when he goes to the cinema. Anyway, even though we didn't understand a word of 'Barbier' we enjoyed it as the acting was so good. Back on the coach we both spoke French - she as Polnareff (!). I was practically speaking French to Pa when he picked me up.
Mummy is very, very interested in the Africa tip. "You won't be able to go to the Hamilton-Brownes' party next year," she said. "I'll have to tell them my daughter's in Africa"!!!
I played Anya’s Adamo record before bed. Oh it ls so beautiful, especially 'Que le Temps s’Arrete'.