F R I D A Y, 2 4 N O V
Break was super. For the first time this term I had the chance to speak to some of the new people - Felicity, Liz and Jill.
It’s so rotten. Because of the war in Turkey and Greece the school cruise may be diverted to Malta, of all the dead-beat places.
Current Events was fantastically interesting. Needless to say we did the devaluation of the pound. “Unfortunately for us, we won the war,” said Mrs Evans. Therefore we were faced with the cost of defending Europe, having to pay for things like the Rhine Army. Ever since, our money has also been draining away to Singapore, Hong Kong, Aden and Cyprus. France got rid of her overseas empires when De Gaulle got things straight; she also devalued ages ago, which is why an economic miracle happened. We should have devalued in 1962, but instead our Balance of Payments has been steadily getting worse. Before, we could just about deal with this because our invisible exports (financial transactions) made up for the dreadful state of the visible exports - but gradually the Trade Gap widened and now we have been forced to devalue.
“Poor old England. It’s pathetic really.”
Mrs Evans thinks Wilson has got a bee in his bonnet about being Prime Minister of a top power. It’s a psychological thing left over from the past. Honestly, you couldn’t wish for a worse PM. Now the raw materials with which we make our exports will become much more expensive, and wage demands will go up because the cost of living has increased by 3%.
Miss Lack had the Sixth Form in the Hall again. One of the things she said was “read, read, read,” and talk to as many intelligent people as you can. Well, I’d love to, but I don't have a chance.
After school Chump and me went to Bateman’s where I chose new glasses. They’re rather nice in dark brown tortoiseshell. Then went into Rumbelows where I looked through the soul LPs. Decided I’d like ‘King and Queen’ for Christmas: Otis Redding and Carla Thomas. But it was so funny, while we were in there they were playing the French Linguaphone! There were four chaps besides Alan and the remarks they made... The girl on the record goes, “une cigarette,” so Alan says, “pass me a fag, John”! Then she goes, “une allumette” – “a match, John.” “Deux allumettes” – “two matches to light one cigarette?” says Alan. “Trois allumettes” – “ooh duckie, how many more!!” Chump and me were in absolute fits.
Daddy’s model of the Amsterdam Town Hall is marvellous: the trees and the building are reflected in the ‘water’ of the canals. Guy’s getting all his equipment ready for the photos.
I’m so miserable. I never do anything at weekends.