“... And he’s oh so good, And he’s oh so fine, And he’s oh so healthy in his body and his mind.” Poking fun at the city gent. (Quite like the Shoreditch twat.)
S A T U R D A Y, 2 5 N O V
Didn’t get up till 10.30. As usual, felt far from happy.
Went outside once to look at the greenhouse because the trays have come, then Daddy gave me the most gorgeous and fast ride in the wheel-barrow going back.
Watch masses of TV -‘The Monkees’ (first time for months), ‘Dixon of Dock Green’, and ‘Dee Time’. There was a pretty hilarious man on 'Dee Time' called Kenneth Williams or something. He kept going “ooh, duckie” in that gorgeous way that Pam does! It seems to be catching on. Everybody does it nowadays - even the chap in Rumbelows.
“I’ve decided to do my satirical sketch on a very ordinary little bowler-hatted man based on the Kinks’ record.”
“... And he’s oh so good, And he’s oh so fine, And he’s oh so healthy in his body and his mind.” Marvellous Chump helped me to decide.
Listened to my radio in the sitting-room; I heard ‘Hello, Goodbye’ seven or eight times! Listened to Rosko’s Midday Spin. They had a competition and if you send in the right answer you get a record from the Top 20. They did a song and asked who sang it, I said Bob Dylan – hope I’m right.
Wore trousers and pink hat in the evening. Must say - the hat suits me.