T H U R S D A Y, 2 3 N O V
Martha is getting quite ridiculous about Robert, worrying about whether he’ll chuck her! I think it’s because he’s her first boyfriend.
Suddenly turned on S.L.C. after supper and who should be on but POLDO!!! People were ringing him up and he was so sweet, he's such a fantastically nice person, always laughing and being terribly nice to everybody. He said he wrote ‘Mes Regrets’ because of a girl called Daniele who he met on holiday and who got married a month later, or something. Anyway, it’s rather hopeful in a way - it means Cathy can’t actually mean much to him. He also says he hates records when he’s only heard them once, he has to hear them ten times before he can fully appreciate them - JUST LIKE ME!
“He’s only heard the Beatles’ new one (‘Hello Goodbye’) once. ”
Someone asked if he was a hippy; he said he likes flowers. He also doesn’t like the word hippy. He doesn’t give any importance to money at all, except he thinks that it’s important to get around and have contact with the rest of the world. Oh, but I do so agree with him.
Poor Anya missed him because of Choir!
Saw T.O.T.P. with Alan Freeman. Long John Baldry is No. 1, with a rather deadly song.