"You get terribly well paid because there are so few people doing it."
US Cosmo ran an article 'The Computer Girls'. in 1967, when 11% of computer science graduates were women. The proportion peaked at 37% in 1984.
W E D N E S D A Y, 2 7 S E P T
Wore green corduroy skirt and beige Shetland jumper. The skirt is long and foul.
Had Maths with Mrs Potton; did sets - boring. For Prep, Lucy and me sat outside - it was really hot at times - and I read ‘Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’. It's good the way that as the boy becomes older, the language of the book becomes older too. I think it’s very sweet.
Some Old Girls came to talk about careers today, none of which interested me very much. One was on computer programming. Women have the same prospects as men and you get terribly well paid because there are so few people doing it. It sounds about the best job you could have of the mathematicky ones. Another girl talked about physiotherapy, which is dealing mostly with X-rays (the rooms have walls of concrete nine feet deep!). Another one talked about business studies; sounds deadly.
I took Poldo home and sewed on his mouth. He’s just about finished and, I must say, has come out staggeringly well. Showed him to Joy, she loves him too. So scared if Polnareff will.
Had super pork for supper and, for once, Mummy made crackling. It turned out perfectly.
Had my first glimpse of Dutronc exactly half a year ago today. What a depressing thought.
"It’s very sweet,"