Chichester Marina opened in 1966 with eight pontoons
S U N D A Y, 1 O C T
Managed to do 10 minutes work before we left for the boat.
Joy had a tortoiseshell band in her hair today and it looked gorgeous. Driving down we discussed the effect the British Empire has had on India. She is rather pro the Empire and Daddy is against. I don’t know what I am.
Granny and Grandpa were waiting in the car at the Marina for us, but unfortunately it was so wild today that we didn’t go sailing. Anyway, we had a super lunch in the cabin, and spent ages trying to catch a wasp between two beakers to shoo it outside (a jolly good game!). Then we went for a walk to Birdham Pool. Golly - was it windy. Had tea at Grandma's and saw photos of Jane when she stayed.
Washed hair straightaway we got back.
Then Anya rang - as worried about tomorrow as I am. Our main worry is whether he'll be too busy to see us, and if he does see us, that he'll be too cross to pay much attention. Our second worry is how to get to Lansdowne Studios.
Had a fire in the sitting-room for once. I measured everybody's heights by the brick wall. Ma's nearly 5'9', Joy's nearly 5'7", I'm 5'5" and Daddy's 5'10". At last we've got it all sorted out! Wish I was 5'6", I think that's a perfect height. Filled in my homework book and I’ve overworked this week - 26 hours 25 mins instead of 21 hours. Too much German and French, and too little English.
It's so sad Joy's going tomorrow. I can't understand why she never got married, she's such a nice person. I suppose she didn't find anybody she loved - such a shame. Do hope I do.
Joy’s going to send me the September ‘Formidable’ – it’s got Polnareff inside!
"Had a fire in the sitting-room for once."