Became PM at the age of 24. To a backdrop of French Revolution and (threatened) Napoleonic invasion, Pitt the Younger (1783-1801) helped to steer Britain clear.
T H U R S D A Y, 2 5 M A Y
In Prayers, singing the hymn, I suddenly felt terribly happy that I’ve met someone like Dutronc. But, at the same time, I felt like crying. Because what is the good if I never see him again?
At the beginning of Latin Lucy and me were called for Oral. Got a butterfly tummy ache waiting, and missed all of break. But the man was terribly sweet, he spoke slowly and put me at my ease. One question was difficult - the difference between a 'transatlantique' and a 'navire de commerce'. Then I realised - one carries passengers and one cargo! It only lasted ten minutes - such a relief.
At dinner break Martha read some of her William Pitt the Younger novel to us. She may try to get it published - well, I've read worse! Martha's rather worried whether to sit next to Anne or Sandra next year. She wants to sit next to Sandra but she feels it would be mean to Anne as her father's just died. I couldn't bear the misery if Daddy died. Just shows how easy-going life has always been for me.
Anya and me went for a mad walk up to the Cabbage Patch - coming back I was youth club Gerry, smoking like a chimney!
Read Rave when I got home. My letter about French pop stars wasn’t printed, much to my disappointment.
Honestly, I wish I wasn't so bone lazy. I didn't do anything this evening except write two letters and listen to French radio. How I'm going to complete my project by Wednesday I don't know. It'll be my own fault if I fail my 'O' Levels.
On this day in 1967 a bunch of boys from Glasgow beat the mighty Inter Milan to become Britain's first European Cup champions!