Chichester Marina, one year old in 1967
F R I D A Y, 2 6 M A Y
Didn’t sleep at all well, but thought up the most fab things that might have happened if I’d gone swimming with Dutronc.
All morning I didn’t feel quite myself, and got a tummy-ache later, but felt better after school. We could all go home at three because of half-term.
After tea changed into yellow bellbottoms and white ribbed top. It's funny, my trousers are distinctly old-fashioned now - too belled, too hipsterish, and they need a belt.
When Pa came home we left for the boat. Arrived 6. 45. Put stuff in the boat, and looked in the Stores - it's not quite ready but it's jolly good.
“Outside there were two fab E-types, which I spent ages looking at.”
Then went along to the club place where this party was in full swing, if you could call it that. It was full of kindly old bods with precisely one snazz in the whole place. Still, it was quite fun. After a little speech we had drinks: the champagne was free, but us two had coke. Lots of little rolls and things to eat, and also some Christmas-type cake. It was a pity we didn’t know anybody but it was good at the end because we had lots of go’s at the jackpot thing with this nice man, and we made masses of money. It was mostly Chump's luck!
Had fish cakes and chips for supper, than bread and cheese, then cherries and eclairs. Finished writing Diary. Ma and Pa chatted in the cockpit to the people on the next boat.
Anya's at the Youth Club Bar-B-Q at the moment, lucky thing.
Hope the weather's as good tomorrow as it was today.
The original 9600 E-Type Jag, launched in 1961
“The lascivious E-type Jag”
The E-type set hearts racing and ruled the King’s Road. Reaching speed of 150 mph it was a very fast car indeed, but throughout its long life (1961-1975) it was relatively inexpensive. I lusted after the glass-covered headlamps, the low-set bumpers and the leather trims; I never got to ride in one. The E-type is now a museum piece, featured in New York's Museum of Modern Art.
For more, read Stephen Bayley