W E D N E S D A Y, 1 8 O C T O B E R
Wore corduroy skirt as Ma's turned it up 2” - great improvement. Wore hair loose behind shoulders, looks fab.
It was freezing all morning and in Political Theory we all froze. How can you concentrate when you’re constantly rubbing your legs up and down?
The weather, though freezing, was gorgeous all day, and after lunch a whole lot of us played netball. It was gorgeous fun.
“Felicity absolutely charges around but we didn’t play properly we were laughing so much.”
Anya and me have decided to go to the Knightsbridge Hotel tomorrow as we’ve both got a free period last lesson! I'll have my hair loose again.
Had one of the Austrian records on in the evening. It reminds me so much of Hubertus Haus it's incredible. And then of course it reminds me of Dutronc and I could practically scream with frustration.