Dick Lester reminisces about working with the Beatles, and later with John Lennon on 'How I Won the War' - "I was never less than impressed"
T U E S D A Y, 1 7 O C T O B E R
The wind howled all night.
Anya was back – and swooned over the pictures of Pol in S.L.C. I absolutely love talking with her about Polnareff, but not when other people like Pam are around. Although they take it light-heartedly they must think we’re very young for our age, to have crushes on people. But Pam doesn't know how lucky she is, she's going to the Festival Hall with her boyfriend tonight - she seems to have such a fab time.
In Classical Background we talked about some of Plato’s ideas from his book ‘The Rebublic’ and it's dreadful - in order to break up the family unit and make people’s loyalties lie towards the state, Plato suggested selective breeding. Your mate is chosen for you and that’s that. And the child is brought up in a State Nursery, never even knowing who its parents are.
“Martha has now got William Pitt in her locket!”
In R.I. Google Eye laid out a whole lot of charity Xmas cards to buy. I think if £9 million is going to be spent on Xmas cards every year, it might just as well be sent to charity.
Saw an interview with Dick Lester on ’24 Hours’. He’s a friend of Roly’s and I think he’s terribly nice - so keen when he talks he can’t get the words out! He was speaking about making ‘How I Won the War’ with John Lennon, and there were four old army chaps sitting opposite who said what they thought about the film. And honestly, one of them, he horrified us. He got so worked up about the British Army being made fools of and how he’s so proud of having fought for democracy - “it’s disgusting” he cried, shaking all over!!! As Dick Lester says, they seem to be proud of having fought in a war.
War is so over glamorised, but when you come down to it, it just means killing people.
Martha had an interesting crush on William Pitt the Younger