T U E S D A Y, 1 2 S E P T
Wore the paisley skirt I made, white jumper, coral brooch, and my hair on one side, tied with the orange chiffon scarf.
Went to Y Hut. Lucy, Anya and Tig all there, thank Goodness. Tig got six A’s and one B for ‘O’ Levels!!! Everybody loves my coat - I'm so pleased with it. Anya has got the most staggering slightly faded photos of Polnareff in her locket. Rosemary said, “are they your mother and father?”... !!!
Then Tree Trunks came and we all sat down. There are 17 new girls (most from boarding schools) and only 12 of us. I’ve been appointed to look after Jill and Felicity. Jill is a Polnareff fan!! F is very quiet so I don't really know what she's like, but she used to live in Stratford and often went behind the scenes at the theatre - she’s seen Eric Porter, David Warner and Ian Holm. All the new girls seem terribly nice, oh, it is lovely having this new lot in.
We all went to the Hall where Miss Lack talked to us. It was terribly interesting. She told us how important it is that we’re educated to learn how to live in this world and not just to do ‘A’ Levels. In fact, only half of the 6th year is spent on 'A' Level work, they prefer to concentrate on 'real' education - philosophy, art, music, current events, classical background, and religious instruction. With this broader course they’ve had miles better university results. Most important of all, people have enjoyed the lessons. I can't wait to start.
Before lunch we took Jill round the school on a tour and the rest seemed to follow! It was so funny, we were going past the Science Block to R Hut when these two workmen said, “excuse me, but could we take your photograph?” They were holding a large box with a black thing sticking out of it that vaguely resembled a camera.
Lunch was a wash-out. We had to queue for 45 minutes.
“Then all we got was a piece of brown bread, no butter, some lettuce, grated carrot, dog’s meat and a banana. ”
The only thing good about it was being able to chat in the queue.
In the evening Chump and me did our meal – Entrecote Bordelaise! It just shows, if you’ve got intelligence you don’t have to learn to cook. We cooked the meat over the fire, using charcoal, which made it taste absolutely fab. The worst bit was getting out the bone marrow. Chump made fab fried potatoes, and we garnished it with watercress. The pudding too was delicious: creamy apricot mousse with a bit of cherry brandy. Washed up, and wrote Diary in sitting-room.
Listened to Adamo. Daddy adores every song.