W E D N E S D A Y, 1 3 S E P T
Everybody wore different things to what they wore yesterday, except for me. I wore the same, but with a different coral brooch.
We were told about our privileges. We’re allowed to use the phone with permission from the form-mistress, allowed to go down to town with permission from the form-mistress, and, of course, allowed to wear our own clothes. What is weedy is, the Upper Sixth is trying out the Sixth Form Unit before us. Several teachers came to talk about their subjects again, and it’s absolutely awful, on Monday we’ve got to hand in a sort of autobiography on ourselves. We have to write what sort of things have influenced us and that sort of thing. I couldn't possibly write about what sort of person I am. It’s far too embarrassing.
Went along to lunch pretty early so we got a much better meal today. In fact it was jolly good. There was even soup at the beginning, and cheese and biscuits at the end. Lucy and me spoke to Jill and Felicity again, and a very nice new girl called Pam, who had to cut up a bull’s eye in her Biology ‘O’ Level exam!
Sandra's lent me 'Mini Mini Mini'. Reminds me of last summer; it was the first French record I ever heard. I can so easily visualise Dutronc at the concert now. I remember he strode about the platform; he didn't just pace. Staggering to think it was over a month ago.
The Sixth Form Unit on the left. It was the first in the country..