'Young, Gay and Get-Ahead - June 1967, 2/-
W E D N E S D A Y, 1 7 M A Y
Read Anya's ‘Honey’ at break. There was a thing on Love and Sex, and whether the two have anything to do with each other. They interviewed lots of people and Cat Stevens sounds VILE. He says he's slept with several girls, even if he has only quite liked them - he says he needs sex. The ghastly thing is, most boys seem to feel that way too. It's not that I'm against sex, but I am against it when love isn't involved. I'm sure sex is a beautiful thing and should happen only in love. If I fell in love with a boy I’d sleep with him, definitely.
I wish I knew what Dutronc thought.
“But I think he’s probably the type to sleep with any girl he wants to - it’s different for boys.”
Miss Lack told us about the Mediterranean cruise. It's from 19th March to April 4th, so I'll be able to go! It costs £56. I'm still worried about the dormitories though. They're below sea level.
At 7.30 Eileen, her new husband, and Duncan came for dinner. Unfortunately Diana didn't feel well which was such a pity. Duncan looks a bit like Ilya Kuryakin. We went round the ‘estate’ in all its glory – Pa thinks it’s better than Wisley!! The tennis court has now got all the posts up, and some of the netting.
Duncan's terribly nice and exactly Mr Finklestein's age, and he did some archaeological digging at Nonsuch, which must be the same time Finkelstein was picking up old pots in the Isreal cotton fields. Dinner was staggering: Hungarian stew, rice and salad; rum pudding and treacle tart. I cleared the whole table, then we had coffee. Eileen brought some fab Bendicks choc peppermints, and Duncan and me had a 'competition' on the Labyrinth: I got to 22 and he got to 4!
It was nice seeing Eileen again. I'm so glad Duncan came even though Diana couldn't.