T U E S D A Y, 1 6 M A Y
Woke up early, worried sick.
In Prayers they played 'Help'!!! Which was original if not much to do with the subject (i.e. we should give money to charity and not spend it on new clothes). Then the dreaded time came, and we went up to Room O. Lucy and me went in together. The reading card I got was about this salesman selling a vacuum-cleaner, but the actual questions weren't too bad, except for when she asked me about deutsch housework - I didn't know any of the vocab.
Dinner break was hilarious - Anya told me about their dump of a Youth Club!! She went into every possible detail - I now feel I know the place!! In one corner there's a piano which three boys tinkle with, and in another corner there's a record-player blaring out corny music. On the far wall there's a dart board with a few boys playing darts, and there's a table in another corner with magazines - 'Raves' from last year, 'Honeys' from the year before. In the kitchen a few girls enthusiastically fill cups of coffee. And then, she said, there are boys floating about going "plurh, plurh" with their cigarettes - she imitated them, I nearly died. Then there's Anne who drapes herself on the magazine table "breathing fire" (very sexily) and John, who once dared suggest the boys take his scooter apart to do "something constructive"! And, above all, there's Stuart and Gerry!!! They're both very tall, with Dutronc-like figures, and fab clothes, but they're both GHASTLY, to put it mildly, especially Gerry, who goes out with a different girl almost every night.
“Gerry smokes like a chimney, and is utterly vulgar.”
Once they were discussing cigarettes when up he piped and said, "I don't think you're likely to die before 40 if you smoke as you're no more addicted smoking cigarettes than you are going to the toilet." Heavens, what an intellect. Then Stuart added, "But you would die before 40 if you didn't go to the toilet - you'd get clogged up"!! I nearly died.
I'd give anything to meet Gerry!
Mummy fetched me and we drove up to London. Felt miserable, had a tummy ache - had to wait half an hour for ghastly Mr Shepherd. In the waiting room I read the pop music articles in 'Queen' by Nik Cohn or someone. They're very good. I cut out one on the Stones, to show Jenny.
"The Rolling Stones' new album, Between the Buttons., is a bit of a let-down. Perhaps they really have done all they are capable of for now and may start to slip back. If that is true, it is a tragedy because the Stones have been the most important group we have ever had. They have played a major part in making working-class kids more powerful and more open-minded than they've ever been before. But now, of course, the point has been made, the initial impetus has tailed off and it could be that the Stones are in line for some pretty barren times."
I never realised before that the drilling is cutting the tooth and the filling is done by hand. He said I'd make a good dentist, then he said - "you find the best husbands in dentistry." Honestly, he sickens me.