Photo: thelemonsqueezy.com
W E D N E S D A Y, 1 5 M A R C H
Woke up ok, but worried the whole day about how I'd be in the evening, when it always gets worse.
Got 69% for Latin exam - one more mark and it would have been a B!!
For Gym, Lucy and me had this mad idea. Because of the wonderful weather we felt like a cross-country run, so we asked Miss Trembath and she let us, all by ourselves and everything (it's not so bad being fifth formers). Anyway we had a FAB time, went miles and ran half the way, through this lovely heath-land. The funny thing is, we got lost - with only 12 minutes to get back in we still had to find the railway. In the end, two little boys told us. Got back utterly puffed but happy.
Jenny adores Mick Jagger - she likes his figure especially (!).
When Pa got home we went round the 'estate' and staked out the swimming pool. It's going to be in the orchard, surrounded by blossom.
Pa and me cooked dinner. We did pork chops seasoned with masses of salt, pepper and thyme, and broccoli and 'pommes de terre savoyards' sliced and cooked with butter and cheese. I was off my food a bit but still ate masses. It really was delicious.
The only thing was, masses of washing up for Ma afterwards!!!
Didn't feel ill all evening. Read 'Jackie'. Feel happy.
Mr Jagger