Chumpy in France: fast forward to July
T H U R S D A Y, 1 6 M A R C H
Felt so happy when I got up 'cos all aches and pains gone. However, during the first three lessons I had ghastly rheumatic pains and worst of all a dreadful stomach ache. Took an Aspirin and they went.
Lucy and me went on a cross-country again! We ended up on a gorgeous village green with a church and a common by it, and sat down on the warm dry bracken in the sun. Better than Gym.
My mouth watered all evening, but the tummy-ache didn't come (thank God).
Daddy came home late, and there was a terrible argument about the things lying about the dining room. Every single one was Chumpy's. I simply do not understand, and I never will understand, why Mummy is so feeble with her. She tells her to do something. She doesn't do it. And that's the end of it. Her satchel, her school clothes, her magazines, all remain scattered throughout the dining room. She doesn't change out of her uniform, her clothes on her bed aren't put away, she's SO disobedient.
Then she went up to her room in a mood, blaming Pa for getting cross with her. The cheek!!!
“Oh no - this is the THIRD week for Engelbert at No. 1. ”
What are the Beatles going to do if Strawberry Fields doesn't make it?
[Strawberry Fields remained in the charts for 11 weeks, but never got beyond No. 2.]