W E D N E S D A Y, 2 0 D E C E M B E R
First day in the Sixth Form Unit! We lounged about in the common-room (our form-room) as the chairs are arranged in such a way that you can moreorless turn round and talk to anybody. I had a chat with Sally Ife and that lot on what to wear at the barn dance tonight. Andrea came in with Jimi Hendrix hair - she looks revolting! - and Sandra P brought her hair switch in. Fifi fixed it for her. It doesn’t look that good.
It was pretty hilarious at dinner break; someone said “turn on the television” and what should be on but 'Watch with Mother' so we all brought our chairs forward and watched! Went home at 3.
I’ve got a maxi-skirt - my Austrian costume let down!!! It’s a perfect length and it looks fantastic. With Ma’s silk blouse, my black boots and her black belt I’m thrilled with it but I didn’t dare wear it this evening.
Changed into black ripply skirt, blue ribbed sweater, Chump’s black boots and hair in bunches. Ma drove me to Glyn, super of her. I stayed quite a long time in the cloakroom waiting for Lucy. Sarah did wear her maxi-skirt; it’s pale brown and looks gorgeous. Tig told me Lucy met a boy carol-singing called Colin.
“At last we dared go in... It was rather weedy at first. ”
The hall was pretty dark, with a large Xmas tree. Tons of boys didn’t bother to ask anybody to dance, so we stood on the side. Then there was this dance where each man had two girls - I was with Lucy and Colin. It was good fun and I got pretty boiled. Then this boy came up and asked me to dance; I was so glad someone had that I went “I’d love to!” We changed partners constantly and it was terrific fun. Once Greg called me a twit, once I fell over!!! After refreshments (orange and crisps) the same boy asked me to dance again. He was called Keith, very amiable looking but not my type (a bit dense). Then we had this dance where six couples get together. We were with Lucy and Colin, Martha and Robert and Anya and Malcolm. It was rather good! I must say, Anya and Malcolm kill me - he’s so devoted to her he never lets go of her hand.
I left on the dot of ten as I was afraid Keith might ask me out.
I’m so glad this evening was fine. I’m more looking forward to Martha’s party now.
"The carefree atmosphere with umbrella-shaded outdoor tables, powder room, lounge, common room and coffee bar makes Rosebery an outstanding testimony to a good headmistress and a humanitarian DES."