1967 Christmas card by Gallery Five
T H U R S D A Y, 2 1 D E C E M B E R
After the Church service - deadly, I thought - we gave out cards and presents. I got two beautiful hankies from Anya (one turquoise, one dark blue), homemade sweets and a bubblebath from Lucy, a PVC egg cosy with a quilted lining from Tig, six bath cubes from Martha, and a lime green elastic bobble thing for my hair from Sandra. Now wish I’d got presents for Martha and Sandra. Then we were given the school magazine – it’s fantastic!!! The cover is beautiful and the print is modern. It is lovely to see my name in print but my poem looks weedy compared to the others - especially Christa’s.
Anya told me today the heart transplant man has died. It’s such a pity - they shouldn’t have made all the fuss they did until they were absolutely sure.
Left school after lunch. So fab to have the holidays! Chump and me went down to town and had a super time buying bargains for Ma and Pa’s stockings. We looked for the corniest things we could find and when we got home nearly killed ourselves over the junk we’d bought. Actually they were quite nice - we spent 21/- ! We got Christmas cards in Originale.
Handbags and Gladrags was on T.O.T.P. at last.
Felt miserable because of tomorrow. Everyone shall probably spend the evening snogging.
“The world’s first heart transplant”
On 3 December 1967 Louis Washkansky was the recipient of the first successful human heart transplant, and Christiaan Barnard became famous overnight. Washkansky lived 18 days; the surgery was considered a miracle.