S U N D A Y, 2 9 O C T
I’m so pleased, I did everything I meant to today. 1. Learned French grammar 2. reviewed La Fontaine 3. washed fringe 4. had bath 5. wrote one of the three English essays. It’s a poem called The Wind and the Rain and it conveys an incident: me going out and enjoying the “wild-screaming wind and the fun-slashing rain”! I enjoyed writing it like anything and I got terribly involved. It’s funny - the feeling that I’d love to be able to write came to me again.
This weekend I did 14 ½ hours work!!!
Every time I hear Johnnie Walker read out someone's letter I feel I must write him one myself. I do think he’s awfully nice. He also played 'A Little Bit Me a Little Bit You'.
Read some of my old copies of 'Girl' and an interesting article in the Observer supplement about Living without God and the increase in humanist societies. "It will be fascinating to see how far religion is just an appendix which can be lost without being missed.”
Sister to 'Eagle', the wonderful 'Girl' ran from 1951 to 1964. A number of pages were dedicated to real life tales of heroic women in various fields.