S A T U R D A Y, 2 8 O C T
Wore my turned-up greens and blues skirt, my turquoise skimpy jumper, and boots.
At 9.30 we left for London, for the opening of Curnock Street. Daddy got ridiculously cross with Mummy for not knowing where the hall we were to go to was, but we got there just in time. London Grandma and Grandpa came by taxi. We were put in the front row. Rather boring but necessary, I suppose, speeches, from counsellors of Camden. Mayoress there plus the Minister of Housing Mr Greenwood, who is very nice. Guy was taking photos!
Drinks upstairs, and at last we all left to look over the scheme. I think it’s awfully nice because it’s designed around one huge courtyard and you don’t face the street or anything, also, the colour of the brick is gay. Perhaps the best thing of all is that the cars are underground. It’s marvellous not to have one in sight.
“It was a lark being one of the VIPs... everyone leant out of the windows to look at us.
We went into three of the houses; it was jolly nice of the people to let us. I asked this little boy if it was any better from the old flats he lived in (in Holborn) and he said it was nice having a playground. Grandma of course talked to people for ages! Grandpa gave me my belated birthday present – a pair of beautiful old coral earrings, to go with the coral necklace. It drizzled most of the time.
'Ame Caline' has just been played on Caroline. Robby Dale pronounced it 'Arma Caline' instead of 'Arm Caleen'.
Changed clocks back one hour. As Johnnie Walker says, it could be the last we’ll ever do it.
The turned-up blues and greens skirt, before it was turned up