"The snow was glorious and I tore over the bumps!"
T H U R S D A Y, 6 A P R I L
Didn't wake till nearly 9. He came down even later than me, and didn't look at me once.
At 12 Chump and me went to our lesson. Chump did miles better than usual. It wasn't snowing very hard except there was a blizzard on the Petersboden. Sep said he adores this weather!
After lunch we went up the Schlegelkopf, then the Petersboden twice. It was WONDERFUL. The snow was glorious and I skied terribly well. This snazz ski teacher was watching me, then he whizzed past, stopped with a scurry of snow and slid back (on purpose) showing off like mad! I grinned at him. Then Ma and Pa, Chump and me went up again and skied the whole Standard Run. We screeched out that fab song 'Happy Together' which helped me ski, funnily enough. I tore over the bumps.
When we got back we sat in the sitting room with Sep and one of his children (he was christened Septimus as he was the seventh child, and he has six children under seven!). Josef is adorable, chubby and brown. He smiled when we ruffled his lovely soft hair and he had a 'Sachetorte mit Schlag', stuffing the hugest slice in his mouth. At the end he shook all our hands, said "goodbye" and half bowed! Sep says there are about 60 people living in Zug - I can hardly believe it's so tiny.
June's betting on the Grand National so we spent ages in the hotel office giving Inge Telex instructions! Changed into red skirt and ribbed top. Had veal for supper. Then went into sitting room where Dutronc was with his parents.
“Then he went off with the sex bombs. I was so fed up, I didn’t even want to go to Hubertus Haus”
Anyway, we set off in the dark, there was a gorgeous starry sky, and we slid over several times on the icy road. It wasn't very full when we got there but soon filled up and lots of people danced. Werner Frey and his zither provided the music, it was very good. Us two had Coke, and Ma, Pa and June had wine. (Daddy is terribly fond of her, I hope Mummy doesn't mind.)
Slid home and went into the sitting room hoping desperately Dutronc would be there - HE WAS!!! Daddy and June played their nightly game of chess, then Ma and me played Racing Eights - she won. I had a Libella. About midnight, Dutronc and Co all got up to leave. He sort of stood by me and asked if we were playing bridge. Then he said he'd go for a swim - NOW - if I came too (!!!). I didn't, of course. Mummy told me to go and time him, but I said no. He would probably have taken the chance of kissing me, up there alone.
Bed 12.30. I feel happy.