The annual Porsche race at Lech , 1964 not 1967
F R I D A Y, 7 A P R I L
It was the race today and the street was filled with Porsches! Dutronc came over to Chump and me and suggested we go further up to the 'Start' notice.
His eyes are blue. He had his corduroy trousers on with suede shoes, pale brown tweedy jacket/waistcoat, blue jumper and floppy blue coat with a checked collar. He's such a snazz. We chatted about masses of things, but mainly cars. His father's got a Merc 300 but he doesn't like it, it's not comfortable enough for the money and he hates the colour (pea green). He likes Jags, though he knows the engines aren't good. He said the noise of revving cars is as good as "beat music" (he wants to be a racing driver he's so keen). Then he said he knows this man who's going to give him a box seat for car races for his next birthday, his 18th. So he's 17 (probably nearly 18). Once he was with this girl in a car, his sister's Porsche I think, and he was driving too fast, they crashed, and he went into a field! He never told his father.
We climbed up this mound of snow and we got a marvellous view. At last the first Porsche set off - I had to block my ears the noise was so loud! Then I sat down and practically went sliding down to the bottom, but he caught me!! Then suddenly his father came along and Dutronc shook hands with us, and we all said goodbye.
“Lunch was terribly sad. Just as I get to know him he has to go.”
About 2.15 we said goodbye to everybody, and a Mercedes taxi picked us up. June, Bill and Susie and everyone waved like mad till we were right out of sight.
After Langan there really wan't much snow. Once we stopped to see this helicopter land in a field to pick up a huge bale of hay for the snow-bound animals on the hill. I took a photo because the children looked so medieval jumping around it with their ragged jumpers and knitted hats. One old man was smoking a huge curved pipe like something out of 'Heidi'!
Finally we got to Feldkirch (lots of people looked at my skirt! you don't get many minis in Austria) then got this super Orient Express train to Zurich, very very smooth. I lay back and closed my eyes and thought about Dutronc all the way. Once I nearly found tears in my eyes.
As we walked through the station to a taxi outside I practically cried I wanted Dutronc so badly. In the taxi I said to Mummy "I shouldn't have given him our address for when he comes to England, should I?" and, to my intense surprise, and tremendous relief, she said, "I gave our address to Papa so that if he should want to see us he could"!!!!! I felt so happy. The only thing is, if I see him again he could turn out to be another Peter-Jan, such a sop, trying to kiss me and everything. I'd rather be treated roughly than that. Ma thinks Dutronc has gorgeous clothes (you're telling me!), and she, me and Chump discussed why it is that English boys (the upper middle classes that is) are so WET compared to foreign ones.
“The only decent boys in England are the ones on the King’s Road.”
We're back at the Ermitage! Rooms 12 and 14 overlooking the lake. We unpacked and went down to dinner and had the most FANTASTIC meal. Chump and me had shrimp cocktail to begin with and the waiter made it on the spot: the ice, the lettuce, the cabbage, the shrimps, the sauce, then the tit-bits on top. Then we had a meat fondue and it was incredible - creamy creamy sauces, fab chips, I can't describe how wonderful it was. These two men were playing violin and accordian (terribly well) and they came over to our table and played 'Lara's Theme' for Dad! I can't help wondering if Chump and me are spoilt in being taken out so often to good restaurants - but I suppose if we're not bolshy about other places then we are not spoilt.
Chump went upstairs she was so tired. Then, suddenly, Daddy said, "what do you think of Dutronc?" Mummy thinks he's very good looking. Daddy's not so sure. She thinks he might be inclined to get bored rather easily (though that's just his age). Daddy thinks he's a bit weedy and hasn't got much personality. I must disagree there. Daddy's never even spoken to him.
Today was pretty fab.
"The children looked so medieval with their ragged little jumpers and knitted hats"