"I adore Chris Farlowe’s new song. I can’t think why it’s not more popular."
M O N D A Y, 2 0 N O V
Wore ripple skirt, beige jumper, beige stockings, and silk scarf. The only trouble is, the hold-up stockings aren't long enough.
Lucy seems to have spent most of the time at the party snogging with Adrian. I’m beginning to wonder if there’s something wrong with me - I couldn’t bear to snog at any time. Pam fell off a bus in Kingston on Saturday and had to go to hospital; she’s got bandages on both knees, her mouth has gone numb and her front teeth have been knocked in.
I’m so terribly pleased – I got B+ for French prose, and A for the La Fontaine test! Spent the whole of Pottery making the glaze for my ash-tray. Had to weigh out the ingredients in ounces (Whiting, China Clay, Iron Oxide, Flint and Feldspar), mix them with water, get the lumps out, sieve, and finally, glaze. That was the hardest bit of all. I’ve put it on too thick.
Helped with the first-formers’ party in the Canteen. First-formers strike me as being cheekier than we were – I hardly dared look at sixth-formers at their age. They told me the tops of my hold-up stockings were showing! There's this tomboy-ish girl with long fair hair and glasses who looks like David Warner, and this girl called Jackie reminds me terribly of Dutronc – it's the big nose, the wide mouth and the general expression. Had time for two games, then tea. We did the clearing up afterwards.
“I wished and wished Mark would be on the bus, but it was a Tadworth one.
Looking back to July 23rd I’m pleasantly surprised to see how many times I’ve mentioned him being nice to me. “I know he likes me" – “He gave me a super smile” – “He looked at me, said ‘cheerio’ and smiled”. I do think he’s gorgeous.
I adore Chris Farlowe’s new song ‘Handbags and Gladrags'. I can’t think why it’s not more popular.