'Primavera' by Botticelli from the late 1470s, The Uffizi, Florence
T U E S D A Y, 2 1 N O V
Wore the same as yesterday, without the hold-up stockings.
At dinner break Pat Randall and me went along to a talk on the Russian Revolution given by this young Russian. He was so keen that sometimes he couldn’t get the words out, and made grammatical mistakes like “it was Lenin who done this”! What I didn’t realise is that there are millionaires in Russia today. I don’t see how they can exist.
Went to see Owl about the History of Art lectures. I know exactly what I want to do - I want to be like Joanna Woods. I want to get a degree in languages, study History of Art, and get a marvellous job arranging art exhibitions. This means travelling and making full use of my languages. Anya and me have put our names down for lectures at the RIBA in the Christmas holidays.
Felt frustrated at lunch, sitting with the same group day in day out. I don’t seem to meet any of the new people.
Tonight’s Debate was in the Hall. Talcum Powder sat next to Anya but Adrian arrived late so he sat at the back. He’s terribly tall, as tall as Dutronc. Lucy looks tiny beside him! There were eight speakers and the motion was ‘This House Believes Women Should Not Be Equal to Men’. It was very interesting and I am utterly for equality. In the end the motion was lost.
Had horrible journey going home. It was very cold. I waited 15 mins for the 406, and 10 mins for the little bus, but it was 15 mins before it left - the driver was having a chat with two people about devaluation. They were pretty pro-Wilson.