"Art App. was very interesting". 'Portrait of the Arnolfinis' by Jan van Eyck (1434)
T H U R S D A Y, 2 6 O C T
Wore blues and greens skirt again with new jumper. Hair loose – it’s gone fab this time. Pity it was so windy, it got rather windswept.
I’ve been given the most dreadful French essay, the 'Advantages and Disadvantages of Hire-Purchase' - I can't write about it even in English. Art App. was interesting – we did that lovely picture of a marriage certificate by Jan van Eyck. I never realised it was full of symbols: dog for loyalty, candle for purity, oranges for fertility. The mirror reflects the artist himself, and someone else as the witness.
“I’m so pleased, Christa says I was “fantastic” at the audition. I’m going to be Mrs Webb!”
Martha’s parents took Chump and me all the way home, so we were back at four. But poor, poor Mummy waited for us at Tadworth till 10 to 5. She didn’t know we’d got a lift.
Saw T.O.T.P. Bee Gees still No. 1 with 'Massachusetts' – rather deadly. The Who were on - they’re worse than ever. The impression Chump and me get is that they’re mad.