"Talk about double chins." A 1970 interview in which the chins get a mention.
W E D N E S D A Y, 2 5 O C T
Back to school. Marvellous Mummy has taken up my blues and greens skirt; I wore it with my white jumper.
Martha has made this fantastic scroll type thing as a report for William Pitt. It's a record of our hostelling weekend: “... As for mishaps, de Boissevain broke a platter, fell twice in the mud and we all suffered with sore feet. But other than that, we return as we began”!!!
Felt pretty fed up because of work and everything. Anya also miserable about it - I so pity her with Chemistry. She and me went cross-country running by ourselves and not with the class - so we could walk the whole way. Both depressed when we got back because of the state of our hair.
“So greasy and foul, and my face so pink, urgh.”
Kate Housewell came at break to try on my trouser-suit – she’s going to buy it!
Stayed after school for 'Our Town' auditions. Christa is in charge of everything. I tried for Mrs Webb (plus an American accent) and I think I did it quite well because she asked me to do it again.
Saw an interview with Liz Taylor and Richard Burton on TV – she’s so highly strung! I can’t make out whether they’re sincere or not. I suppose they are, underneath the glamorous appearance. All I know is Elizabeth Taylor is one of the ugliest women I have ever seen – talk about double chins.