The Gasthof Post waitresses in 1961: Elisabeth, Erika and Erna
W E D N E S D A Y, 1 2 A P R I L
It rained all day, could you beat it.
Chump and Dad fetched Rabbit. The hutch was filthy and stank like mad.
Decided to make a list of all The Post waitresses, here it is:
1. Erna (plump, pretty, darkish brown hair piled up, very good English - we've known her for seven years now)
2. Elisabeth (black hair, terribly sweet, very good English)
3. Big Nose (tall, slim, very nice, behind bar)
4. Medieval (short brown hair, looks medieval)
5. Smiley (pretty with brown hair, behind bar)
6..Dolly (pretty with blond hair piled up, behind bar)
Played some of my French records, I've just realised I've now got ten, songs that is. I adore 'Sur use Nappe de Restaurant' by Dutronc, almost as much as 'Les Playboys', and I'm getting to like 'On Nous Cache Tout'. Listened to S.L.C. and heard his new one 'J'Aime Les Filles' (we know that already!) but it's funny - his voice is all squeaky, not a bit like him.
In the evening got slight back-of-waist pains.