[Forward to 1.14 for Marianne in 1967]
T U E S D A Y, 1 1 A P R I L
The weather today was perfectly revolting.
Ma went to the hairdressers in the morning and I generally tidied up. Read S.L.C. and translated the words to ‘Inch Allah’ which was in there. Honestly I had no idea how beautiful the words were: Adamo’s a genius. There are some fab pictures of him in bathing trunks in the Canaries. Pictures of Antoine too - he's now got a moustache and doesn't look half as nice as usual. Awful pictures of Michel Polnareff, he’s now gone back to his natural brown hair and I don’t know whether he looks better or worse, poor thing.
Read an article in Rave on Marianne Faithful – she’s broken up with her husband and may marry Mick Jagger - I had no idea that there really was anything between them!
“Played my Dutronc record, honestly ‘La Fille du Pere Noel’ is FAB.”
I can't understand the words though - he sings them so fast! I've forgotten what the skiing Dutronc looks like - when I try and picture his face I can only get Jacques Dutronc. It'd be fab if he came over this summer and we went swimming - or something.
The Budget was today. I gather that it’s very negative and hasn’t effected any great changes. As the French say, it's a 'mini budget'. Daddy says it’s terribly feeble because it doesn’t encourage anyone to work harder - the more you earn the higher the tax.
The amazingly handsome Jacques Dutronc, in an amazingly embarrassing French video